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Debt Bondage

Child Trafficking

Child Trafficking
Safe and Free want all young people to be protected from grooming, child sexual exploitation (CSE) and trafficking. We believe the best way to do this is through education. We have worked hard to put our knowledge into a compelling education pack for PHSE teachers to use with their pupils.
In 2014 we put together our first free educational resource to educate young people on the ways that grooming, CSE and trafficking can occur in their everyday life. Since then we have worked with schools and students across the UK to evolve this material to ensure it is up-to-date and relevant. By equipping young people with this knowledge we are confident that they are better protected, both for themselves and for others.
We want them to have the knowledge and skills to spot any attempt to target them or their friends and to know what to do about it.
We want to inspire young people to make a difference and help them see that they can be part of the solution to the problem of trafficking.
What is included in the pack?
Human Rights
Historical Slavery
Slavery Today
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Online Safety
Real Life Case

Our Vision
To help people to protect themselves from being victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.
To educate people on how to spot signs of modern slavery and how to prevent trafficking.
To give people the tools to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking effectively.
To inspire people to take a stand for their generation.
Why is Education Important?
Young people are particularly vulnerable to exploitation. Social media, increased independence, making new friends and even discovering romance can put young people at risk. Young people need to understand the risks of trafficking and how someone might seek to groom, control or exploit them. We know young people respond very positively to our education resource and to the message that there are many things they can easily do to keep themselves safe.
For traffickers to make money they need to recruit young people to abuse through various means e.g. threats, blackmail, violence, coercion, emotional manipulation etc. It is very important that young people are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to spot the signs and resist these efforts to control them.
Article 17 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that “children and young people have a right to information that is important to their health and wellbeing”. Article 29 also refers to encouraging children to “respect others”, and Article 34 requires governments to protect children “from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse”.
If you have anymore questions about the Education Pack click FAQ's, hopefully all your questions will be answered.

Empowering Young People Through Education
The Safe and Free Approach
Safe and Free has been sensitive to ensure that the education resources are engaging and empowering and that the important message on this difficult topic is delivered to the right students. The resources stress that young people can do many things to protect themselves by:
being aware of the issue
looking at real-life case studies
recognising vulnerabilities
recognising behaviours of trusted adults that could be of concern
Grooming, CSE and trafficking and can happen to both girls and boys so the resources are written in a gender-balanced way, promoting the idea that all pupils need to be vigilant for themselves and each other.

Social action is vital to our work with schools. Students are raising money and awareness to help protect young people across the UK from the risks of trafficking, child sexual exploitation and grooming.
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