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Why is this pack being taught in schools?

There are an estimated 13,000 people trapped in modern slavery in the UK today. 

Young people are particularly at risk as they transition between child and adult.  They find themselves in more independent circumstances e.g. in the workplace, socialising without their parents, venturing into romantic relationships.  All these are areas where the young person is developing and learning about life and they are more likely to take known, but particularly unknown risks.  

Traffickers can prey on young people to manipulate and exploit them.  We want to put a stop to this which is why we want to make young people aware of them.  Through education we can empower students to spot the signs of grooming, CSE and trafficking and know exactly how to react and how to get help.

What age is the Education Pack aimed at?

The Safe and Free Education Pack was originally developed with Year 9 students in mind, however the education pack can be used for all secondary year groups. Teachers are able to adapt the materials to their age group as appropriate. 

Parents Useful Links 

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