Debt Bondage
Child Trafficking
Child Trafficking
Spot the Signs of Modern Slavery
Being able to spot the signs and report your concerns appropriately can save a victim from a life of exploitation.
General Indicators
Physical Appearance
Restricted Freedom of Movement
May show signs of physical abuse, anxiety, bruising, scarring or cuts.
Appear malnourished, exhausted or unkempt.
Wear inappropriate clothing for work.
May avoid unnecessary contact.
Regularly accompanied, unable to travel alone.
Appear under control of others.
Unfamiliar with the place they work or live.
May wear the same clothes day in day out.
May not have access to documents for travel, passport and ID.
Very little personal possessions.
May be unable to travel alone.
Poor Living Conditions
Fear of
Unusual Travel Time/Arrangements
Living in dirty, damp, cramped and over crowded accommodation.
Live and work at the same address.
Hesitant and scared to talk to strangers.
Not sure who they can trust and afraid to ask for help.
May be dropped off at work very early or very late at night.
Not have access to documents for travel, passport and ID.
Forced labour is when a person is coerced to work or provide a service for little or no pay and usually cannot leave it without punishment or the threat of penalty.
Working long hours, over time, few or no breaks.
Forced to stay in accommodation provided by employer, usually overcrowded and dirty.
No access to own documents e.g. Passport, ID.
May have very little freedom of movement or always be accompanied.
Paid very little wages or not paid at all.
Lack of protective equipment, suitable clothing or health and safety standards.
Transported to and from work, may be multiple people in one car.
May show signs of abuse, appear malnourished, exhausted or unkempt.
Many adults that are in or have been in prostitution often report difficult childhood histories; here are some indicators someone may be trapped in sexual exploitation.
Signs of physical abuse, bruising, cigarette burns or scarring.
Restricted freedom of movement, picked up and dropped off at work location.
Unusual visitors all day and night staying for short periods of time.
Appear scared, withdrawn or confused.
Payment for services is passed onto someone else, they may have restricted or no earnings.
Lack of clothing or sexualised.
Sleep on work premises
Have limited English language speaking ability, restricted to sexual language.
Spot the Signs of Domestic Servitude
This is one of the most hidden forms of modern slavery as it happens in private households. The following could mean someone is in domestic servitude.
Rarely interact with the family they work for; don't eat with the rest of the family.
Unable to leave the house alone, are always accompanied.