Debt Bondage

Child Trafficking

Child Trafficking

Lets Put Trafficking Out Of Business
Safe and Free are a group of passionate individuals whose aim is to prevent the growth of human trafficking and modern slavery.
Protect Children and Young People Through Education
Safe and Free want all young people to be protected from the growing problem of grooming, human trafficking, and child sexual exploitation in the UK and the World. We strongly believe the best way to do this is through education.
Sign up today to download our free education pack. The pack consists of six unique lesson modules and resources designed by teachers for teachers.

Spot the Signs of Modern Slavery?
Modern Slavery "Human Trafficking" can affect anybody no matter their age, gender or race. You don't have to cross an international border, this is happening in our communities today!
Join us in raising awareness and learn how to spot the signs to prevent and protect any potential victims of trafficking.

Slavery in Supply Chains
Protecting your businesses reputation starts with your supply chain. We have partner with a CS Monitors Limited a Modern Slavery prevention organisation to help stop small and medium sized businesses from being exploited by traffickers.
Regardless of size or income, businesses have an important role to play on the eradication of slavery today. We want to encourage all businesses to be open and transparent even if the legislation does not apply to them.
Please visit www.modernslaveryprevention.com to start your journey today.